Transitional Kindergarten

TK/Kinder/New Student Information page

Loma Portal has one Transitional Kindergarten Class. TK classroom hours are 8:20 AM -12:35 PM Monday-Friday*

*After school Harmonium childcare Klassic Kids enrichment program has a special program (12:35 PM -2:40 PM) offered for TK students. This is a fee-based child care program on campus that offers snack, music, games and more learning for your TK student that desires a full day of school. Learn more here. Please contact Klassic Kids at 619.523.1505 for childcare rates.

SDUSD TK website:

Students in TK are students who turn five between September 2nd and December 2nd.

It is the first of a two-year kindergarten program that uses age-appropriate curricula aligned to the California Common Core Standards.

This class acts as a bridge between preschool and Kindergarten to support success in Kindergarten.

TK students will attend a full year of TK and then move to Kindergarten the following year.

Q: Is it possible for a student who meets the age criteria for kindergarten to be placed in a Transitional Kindergarten class at the request of the parent(s) or teacher?

A: Yes. It is on a space available basis

The class is taught by a certificated, experienced kindergarten teacher.

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