So, what does a Common Core lesson look like?

I Want to here

So you've sat through the PDs, read the standards, but you still don't know what a Common Core lesson looks like, right?

Here are some videos of Common Core Lessons so you can actually see it in practice.

While you're watching, look for evidence of the Eight Mathematical Practices. What do these teachers do that makes the lesson Common Core? What can you add to your existing lessons to make them more rigorous, more focused, and coherent with other grade levels?

These videos come from four sites:

Teaching Channel (these are great! On the bottom, right hand side they have lesson plans and materials linked! It's awesome)

Engage NY (New York's Common Core resource website)

Kahn Academy (Everyone knows Kahn Academy!)

and YouTube (I just typed "common core math lessons" in the search bar)

Anyway, watch videos from other grade levels, too, to get other ideas as well.

Math Comic

Kindergarten Videos

Learning Numbers in Multiple Ways (

Quick Images: Visualizing Number Combinations (k.OA.1, K.OA.3)

Counting Objects and Ordering Numbers (k.CC.3)

Counting and Cardinality (,, K.CC.4b)

Double Ten Frame (K.CC.2, K.NBT.1)

Counting Sticks (K.CC.2, K.CC.4a, K.CC4b)


2 videos and 2 exercises

1st Grade Videos

Counting Collections to 100


10 videos and 3 exercises

2nd Grade Videos

Sharing Strategies for Counting Collections (2.NBT.2)

Making Math Fun with Place Value Games (2.NBT.1a, 2.NBT.4, 2.NBT.5)

Model Math Lesson-money

Mathematical Practice 1

Mathematical Practice 8

Use Modeling and Tools to Solve Three Digit Subtraction Problems (2.NBT.7)


10 videos 13 exercises


3rd Grade Videos

Sharing Strategies for Counting Collections (3.NBT.2)

Graphing With Colors (3.MD.10)

Reasoning About Multiplication and Division (3.OA.5)

Discover Number Patterns with Skip Counting (3.OA.9)

Persistence in Problem Solving (MP. 1)

Talking About Math (3.NBT.2)

Third Grade Mental Math Strategies (3.NBT.2)

Planning Full Days and Practicing Fast Facts (3.OA.7, MP.6)

Subtraction as a Confidence Builder (3.NBT.2)

Application (3.G.2)

Fraction (3.G.2, 3.NF.1)

Inches and Centimeters (3.MD.2)


49 videos 32 exercises

4th Grade Videos

Reasoning about Division (4.NBT.6)

Games for Decimals (4.NBT.7)

The Ididarod and Math (4.MD.2)

Fractions with Borrowing (4.NF.1)

Mathematical Practice 1

Mathematical Practice 7

Mathematical Practice 8


66videos, 45 exercises


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Thank you to 4th Grade Loma Portal teacher, Amy Kinseth, for creating this page of Teacher Common Core Materials. Please email her with questions or comments at [email protected].

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