Third Grade Resources
Units of Study
San Diego Unified School District (here's the District's CCSS website--lots of resources!)
Grade 3 Year at a Glance
Grade 3 Focus Areas
CCSS Lesson Map
Georgia Units: (even though the state has actually pulled out of CCSS, the resources they created are AMAZING! Here's their math website.)
Year-Long Planning Map Organized by Strand
Unit 1: Number and Operations in Base Ten
Unit 2: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: The Relationship Between Multiplication and DivisionUnit 2Operations and Algebraic Thinking: The Relationship Between Multiplication and Division
Unit 3: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Properties of Multiplication and Division
Unit 4: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Patterns in Addition and Multiplication
Unit 5: Geometry
Unit 6: Representing and Comparing Fractions
Unit 7: Measurement
North Carolina Unit: (they have a great website for the Public Schools of North Carolina with lots of support resources.)
North Carolina Scope and Sequence
University of Texas Scope: (they have a great website called Mathematics Common Core Toolbox--check it out!)
UT Scope and Sequence
EngageNY Third grade math resources. This seems to be everyone's gold standard for CCSS materials.
Third Grade Curriculum Map from West Contra Costa Unified School District. Their applets seem cool, too.
Bridges in Mathematics: (the Bridges in Mathematics website)
Activities Standards Correlations
TONS of Standards-Based Activites
Yearlong Assessment
This is cool: math standards written in kid-friendly language: (From the Ontario-Montclair School District)
Third Grade Math Standards in Kid Friendly Language
Resources from Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics:
Third Grade Flipbook(FlipBooks are meant to help teachers understand what each standard means in terms of what students must know and be able to do. They provide only a sample of instructional strategies and examples.)
Kid Friendly "I Can" Statements
Math Vocabulary from Granite School District in Utah
Vocabulary Cards A-L
Vocabulary Cards M-Z
Third Grade Vocabulary Word List
Compare the CCSS to the current state standards: (from Tulare County Office of Ed. A great website for resources, too!)
Math Standard Comparison: 3rd Grade
Howard County Public School System Common Core Assessments. VERY well designed assessments for each standard. Check them out!
Videos explaining 3rd grade standards from Southeast Comprehensive Center. Really interesting!
"I Can Statements" for each standard from Dr. Bobb Darnell on his website called Achievement Strategies, Inc. Check them out!
Got any lessons, resources, websites that you want to share?? Add them to our Third Grade Math Dropbox! Let's help each other out!!
Want to continue the dialogue? Check out and add yourself as a member of this website's Facebook page here!!
Activities and Lessons by Strand
(activities listed are from: Illustrative Mathematics, Inside Mathematics, LearnZillion, Howard County Common Core Assessments)
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA
Standard A (Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division):
A1 (Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g. interpret 5 x 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects in each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 x 7):
Multiplying by 11 (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
The Answer is 36
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Repeated Addition
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems by Drawing an Array
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems by Skip Counting
Video from LearnZillion: Write Multiplication Expressions to Represent Illustrations
Video from LearnZillion: Interpret the Meaning of Multiplication by Matching Equations to Real World Examples
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Multiplication Problems Matching Equations to Real World Examples
Video from LearnZillion: Convert Between Units Using a T Chart
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2 (Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g. interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56 ÷ 8):
Multiplying & Dividing on the Number Line (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems by Subtracting Equal Groups
Video from LearnZillion: Interpret the Meaning of Division by Matching Equations to Real World Examples
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems by Drawing Pictures
Video from LearnZillion: Divide Using a Sharing Model
Video from LearnZillion: Divide Using Repeated Subtraction
Video from LearnZillion: Visualizing a Division Word Problem
Video from LearnZillion: Create a Story Problem Based on a Division Expression Using a Sharing Model
Video from LearnZillion: Create a Story Problem Based on a Division Expression Using Repeated Subtraction
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems Using Equal Groups
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Division Problems Matching Equations to Real World Examples
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3 (Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g. by using drawings and equations with a symbol of the unknown number to represent the problem):
Analyzing Word Problems Involving Multiplication
Gifts from Grandma, Variation 1
Two Interpretations of Division
More Number Puzzles (go to page 29 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Multiplying by 11s and 12s (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Arrays 2
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Multiplication Problems Representing as Areas
Video from LearnZillion: Find a Missing Quotient in a Division Problem
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Multiplication Problems Using Equal Groups
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems Subtracting Equal Groups
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication and Division Problems Using a Diagram
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Comparison Measurement Multiplication and Division Problems
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A4 (Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each fo the equations 8 x ? = 48, 5 = [] ÷ 3, 6 x 6 = ?):
True of False? (go to page 29 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Fact Family Triangles (go to page 61 of the PDF)
Hours to Minutes (go to page 151 of the PDF)
Performance Assessment Task
The Answer is 36
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Missing Quotient in a Division Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Properties of 1 and 0
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Distributive Property
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems Using Properties of 1 and 0
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Standard B (Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division):
B5 (Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Examples: if 6 x 4 = 24 is known, then 4 x 6 = 24 is also known-Commutative property of multiplication. 3 x 5 x 2 can be found by 3 x 5 = 15, then 15 x 2 = 30, or by 5 x 2 = 10, then 3 x 10 = 30-Associative property of multiplication. Knowing that 8 x 5 = 40 and 8 x 2 = 16, one can find 8 x 7 as 8 x (5 + 2) = (8 x 2) = 40 + 16 = 56-Distiributive property):
An Array of Fact Families (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
Boxing the Pots
Video from LearnZillion: Understand the Commutative Property by Naming Arrays
Video from LearnZillion: Understand the Commutative Property of Multiplication in Word Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Multiplication and Division Relationships
Video from LearnZillion: Use the Commutative and Associative Properties to Solve 3 Factor Word Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Use the Distributive Property of Multiplication to Solve Unfamiliar Facts
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
B6 (Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. For example, find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8):
The Frog Jumping Contest (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
Boxing the Pots
The Answer is 36
Video from LearnZillion: Interpret Division as an Unknown Factor Problem Using Arrays
Video from LearnZillion: Interpret Division as an Unknown Factor Problem Using Fact Families
Video from LearnZillion: Interpret Division as un Unknown Factor Problem Using a Bar Model
Video from LearnZillion: Interpret Division as an Unknown Factor Problem Using a Number Line
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Standard C (Multiply and divide within 100):
C7 (Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division, e.g. knowing that 8 x 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8, or properties of operations. By the end of grade 3, know from memory al products of two one-digit numbers):
Expressions, Equations, & Word Problems (go to page 29 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Multiplying Odd & Even Numbers (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Repeated Addition
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Skip Counting
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Commutative Property
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication Problems Using Associative Property
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Multiplication with 0 and 1
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Division with 0 and 1
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Standard D (Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic):
D8 (Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computational and estimation strategies including rounding):
The Stamp Collection
True or False? (go to page 29 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Multiplying by 11 (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Multiplying by 12 (go to page 77 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Are These Answers Reasonable? (go to page 125 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
Boxing the Pots
Houses in a Rox
Video from LearnZillion: Solving Two Step Word Problems Using a Model
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Two Step Problems Using Parenthesis
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Two Step Problems Using Letters to Represent Unknowns
Video from LearnZillion: Estimate Solutions to Two Step Word Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Assess Reasonableness of an Answer Using Front End Estimation
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
D9 (Identify arithmetic patterns-including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table-and explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even, and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends):
Addition Patterns
Making a Ten
Patterns in the Multiplication Table
Symmetry of the Addition Table
Multiplying Odd & Even Numbers (go to page 55 of the PDF)
Performance Assessment Task
>Houses in a Row
Video form LearnZillion: Identify Addition and Subtraction Patterns Using a Hundreds Chart
Video from LearnZillion: Identify Patterns on an Addition Chart
Video from LearnZillion: Identify Patterns on a Multiplication Chart
Video from LearnZillion: Identify Patterns Using Number Lines
Video from LearnZillion: Find Number Patterns by Using Addition and Subtraction to Solve In and Out Boxes
Video from LearnZillion: Find Number Patterns by Using Multiplication and Division to Solve In and Out Boxes
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Domain: Number and Operations in Base Ten 3.NBT
Standard A (Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic):
A1 (Use place value understanding to round while numbers to the nearest 10 or 100):
Rounding to 50 or 500
Think Before You Subtract (go to page 77 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Using Compatible Numbers to Estimate Answers (go to page 125 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
A Question of Numbers
Video from LearnZillion: Understand the Value of a Digit in a Multidigit Number
Video from LearnZillion: Find Benchmark Numbers Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Midpoint Between Two Whole Numbers
Video from LearnZillion: Round to the Nearest Ten Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Round to the Nearest Ten Using Base Ten Blocks
Video from LearnZillion: Round to the Nearest Hundred Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Round to the Nearest Hundred Using Base Ten Blocks
Video from LearnZillion: Round to the Nearest Ten or Hundred in Real World Situations
Video from LearnZillion: Translate Numbers From Word Form to Standard Form
Video from LearnZillion: Write Numbers in Word Form Using Punctuation
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2 (Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction):
Think Before You Add (go to page 77 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Travel Miles (go to page 125 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
A Question of Numbers
Adding Numbers
Video from LearnZillion: Use Addition and Subtraction Fact Families to Solve for Unknown Amounts
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Problems Using Complements of Ten
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Word Problems by Identifying Key Phrases
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Subtraction Word Problems by Identifying Key Phrases
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Subtraction Problems Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Problems Using the Partial Sums Method
Video from LearnZillion: Solve for Unknowns Using the Commutative Property of Addition
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Problems with Numbers Up To 1000: Regrouping
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Subtraction Problems: Using Regrouping
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems: Using Equal Groups
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Division Problems Matching Equations to Real World Examples
Video from LearnZillion: Solve for Unknowns Using Commutative Property
Video from LearnZillion: Solve for Unknowns Using Fact Families
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Problems: Using Key Vocabulary
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Problems: Using Partial Sums
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Addition Problems: Using Complements of 10
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Subtraction Problems: Using Key Vocabulary
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Subtraction Problems: Using Number Line
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3 (Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90, e.g. 9 x 80, 5 x 60-using strategies based on place value and properties of operations):
Multiplying Single-Digits by Multiples of Ten (go to page 139 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
Adding Numbers
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Division Problems: Subtracting Equal Groups
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication and Division Problems: Using a Diagram
Video from LearnZillion: Multiply 1-Digit Numbers by Multiples of 10
Video from LearnZillion: Divide Multiples of 10 by 1-Digit Divisors
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Domain: Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF
Standard A (Develop understanding of fractions as numbers):
A1 (Understand a fraction 1/b s the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b):
Naming the Whole for a Fraction
Performance Assessment Task
leapfrog fractions
leapfrog fractions
leapfrog fractionsFractions on a Double Number Line (go to page 117 of the PDF)
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Fractions as Fair Shares
Video from LearnZillion: Represent Fractions i Different Ways
Video from LearnZillion: Write Fractions With Numerator and Denominator
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Why the Larger the Denominator The Smaller the Fractional Parts Using Models and Real World Examples
Video from LearnZillion: Recognize Fractions Breaking Shapes into Equal Parts
Video from LearnZillion: Write Fractions Using Shapes (1)
Video from LearnZillion: Write Fractions With a Numerator Other Than One
Video from LearnZillion: Write Fractions of a Set (1)
Video from LearnZillion: Write Fractions of a Set (2)
Video from LearnZillion: Count Fractions to Make 1 Whole
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Fraction Word Problems: Using Key Words and Pictures
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Fractions: Create Ministories
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2 (Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram):
Closest to 1/2
Find 1
Find 2/3
Locating Fractions Greater Than One on the Number Line
Locating Fractions Less Than One on the Number Line
Which is Closer to 1?
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2a (Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line):
Fractions on a Double Number Line (go to page 117 of the PDF)
Video from LearnZillion: Plot a Unit Fraction on a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Place Fractions on a Number Line (1)
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2b (Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line):
Fractions on a Double Number Line (go to page 117 of the PDF)
Video from LearnZillion: Identify a Fraction as a Point on a Number Line by Dividing the Number Line Into Equal Parts
Video from LearnZillion: Identify a Fraction as a Point on a Number Line Using Area Models
Video from LearnZillion: Plot Improper Fractions on a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Place Fractions on a Number Line (2)
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3 (Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size):
Comparing Fractions
Ordering Fractions
Performance Assessment Task
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3a (Understand two fractions as equivalent-equal-if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line):
Jon and Charlie's Run
Video from LearnZillion: Identify Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Models
Video from LearnZillion: Identify Equivalent Fractions Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Use a Number Line to Generate Equivalent Fractions
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3b (Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g. 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g. by using a visual fraction model):
Video from LearnZillion: Identify Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips
Video from LearnZillion: Generate Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Models
Video from LearnZillion: Generate Equivalent Fractions Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Create Equivalent Fractions by Modeling with Pattern Blocks
Video from LearnZillion: Use Circle Models to Find Simple Equivalent Fractions
Video from LearnZillion: Use Area Models to Generate Equivalent Fractions
Video from LearnZillion: Use Fraction Strips to Generate Equivalent Fractions
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3c (Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Examples: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point of a number line diagram):
Video from LearnZillion: Express Fractions Equivalent to 1 Using Fraction Strips
Video from LearnZillion: Express Fractions Equivalent to 1 Using a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Express Whole Numbers as Fractions
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A3d (Compare two fractions with the same numerator of the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the symbols <, =, and >, and justify the conclusions, e.g. by using a visual fraction model):
Comparing Fractions with a Different Whole
Video from LearnZillion: Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator by Reasoning About Their Size
Video from LearnZillion: Compare Fractions with the Same Denominator by Reasoning About Their Size
Video from LearnZillion: Recognize When Comparisons Are Valid by Reasoning
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Domain: Measurement and Data 3.MD
Standard A (Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects):
A1 (Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g. by representing the problem on a number line diagram):
Hours to Minutes (go to page 151 of the PDF)
Measuring the Area of Paper Rectangles (go to page 233 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Skill Practice (go to page 111 of the PDF)
Performance Assessment Task
time to get clean
Video from LearnZillion: Identifying the Start Time, Change of Time, and End Time in Real-World Elapsed Time Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Solving Elapsed Time Word Problems to the Nearest Hour
Video from LearnZillion: Solving Elapsed Time Word Problems to the Nearest Five Minutes
Video from LearnZillion: Solving Elapsed Time Word Problems to the Nearest Minute
Video from LearnZillion: Solving Elapsed Time Word Problems Using a T Chart
Video from LearnZillion: Reading the Exact Minute on a Clock
Video from LearnZillion: Reading the Exact Time on a Clock
Video from LearnZillion: Drawing the Exact Time on a Clock
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2 (Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams-g-, kilograms-kg-and liters-l-. Add subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g. by using drawings-such as a beaker with a measurement scale-to represent the problem):
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Word Problems About Mass by Adding and Subtracting on a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Word Problems About Volume by Adding and Subtracting on a Number Line
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication and Division Word Problems About Mass by Drawing Pictures
Video from LearnZillion: Solve Multiplication and Division Word Problems About Volume by Drawing Pictures
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Volume and How Volume is Measured
Video from LearnZillion: Estimate Volume in Liters
Video from LearnZillion: Measure Volume in Liters
Video from LearnZillion: Understand Mass and How Mass is Measured
Video from LearnZillion: Estimate Mass in Grams
Video from LearnZillion: Estimate Mass in Kilograms Using Benchmarks
Video from LearnZillion: Measure Mass in Grams
Video from LearnZillion: Measure Mass in Kilograms
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Standard B (Represent and interpret data):
B3 (Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graph. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets):
Ice Cream Survey (go to page 277 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Book Lovers' Survey (go to page 277 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
parking cars
parking cars
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
B4 (Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units-whole numbers, halves, or quarters):
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Standard C (Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition):
C5 (Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement):
The Square Counting Shortcut
Performance Assessment Task
Garden Design
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C5a (A square with side length 1 unit, called "a unit square", is said to have "one square unit" of area, and can be used to measure area)
Finding Areas Large and Small (go to page 219 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Measuring Area: US Customary Units (go to page 243 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Measuring Rectangles (go to page 259 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Cover the Area of a Shape Using Square Units
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
c5b (A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units):
Finding More Areas (go to page 219 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Estimating and Measuring Area in Square Inches (go to page 243 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Ladybug Dream House (go to page 259 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Shape Using Square Units
Video from LearnZillion: Use Equal Square Units to Find the Area
Video from LearnZillion: Use Grid Paper to Find the Area
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C6 (Measure areas by counting unit squares-square cm, square m, square in, square ft. and improvised units):
Measuring the Area of Paper Rectangles (go to page 219 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Rainbow Rectangles (go to page 243 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Metric Rectangles (go to page 259 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
Garden Design
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Square of Rectangle by Counting Unit Squares
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Polygon by Counting Unit Squares
Video from LearnZillion: Determine Which Unit of Measurement to use to Find the Area
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Polygon Using a Key
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Shape Using a Key to Find the Unit of Measure
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C7 (Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition):
Performance Assessment Task
Boxing the Pots
Video from LearnZillion: Relate Area to Arrays
Video from LearnZillion: Apply Mathematical Reasoning to a Known Area to Find Unknown Lengths and Widths
Video from LearnZillion: Find Area of a Polygon Using Multiplication
Video from LearnZillion: Find Area Using Multiplication in Real World Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Find Area by Breaking Down a Rectangle Into Smaller Rectangles
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of Polygons With More Than 4 Sides
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C7a (Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths):
Rainbow Rectangles (go to page 243 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Ladybug Dream House (go to page 259 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Rectangle Using Arrays
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C7b (Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning):
Fact Families for the 10s (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Multiplying Single Digits by Multiples of Ten (go to page 141 of the PDF)
Measuring the Area of Paper Rectangles (go to page 221 of the PDF)
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Area of a Rectangle Using Side Lengths
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C7c (Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths a and b + c is the sum of a x b and a x c. Use area modles to represent the distributive property in mathematical reasoning.
Multiplying by 11 (go to page 41 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Multiplying Single Digits by Multiples of Ten (go to page 141 of the PDF)
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
C7d (Recognize areas as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems):
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Standard D (Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures):
D8 (Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters):
Perimeters of Paper Quadrilaterals (go to page 183 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Perimeter Review (go to page 217 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Perimeter of a Polygon
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Perimeter of a Square of Rectangle by Adding Side Lengths
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Perimeter of a Polygon in Real World Problems
Video from LearnZillion: Find Perimeter With Missing Side Lengths
Video from LearnZillion: Find the Perimeter of a Polygon with More Than 4 Sides
Video from LearnZillion: Use a Chart to Understand How Rectangles Can Have the Same Perimeter With Different Areas
Video from LearnZillion: Use a Chart to Understand How Rectangles Can Have the Same Area with Different Perimeters
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
Domain: Geometry 3.G
Standard A (Reason with shapes and their attributes):
A1 (Understand that shapes in different categories, e.g. rhombuses, rectangles, and others, may share attributes, e.g. having four sides, and that the shared attributes can define a larger category, e.g. quadrilaterals. Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories):
Classify Triangles (go to page 153 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Sorting Quadrilaterals (go to page 183 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Guess My Quadrilateral (go to page 183 of the PDF, other activities, too!)
Performance Assessment Task
which shape?
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
A2 (Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each part as 1/4 of the area of the shape):
Howard County assessment page with beautiful assessments of this standard, plus more!!
If you find other activities, email me and I'll add them to this site!!
Thank you to 4th Grade Loma Portal teacher, Amy Kinseth, for creating this page of Teacher Common Core Materials. Please email her with questions or comments at [email protected].