
Friday Announcements

Good afternoon LPE families and HAPPY FRIDAY!  The end of week 2 is upon us and although it was a short week, it was jam packed with excitement and learning (and warm temperatures!).  I have so much gratitude for our hard working staff for what they bring to the table each and every day for our students…keep up the great work!  And as always, knowing we have the support of our outstanding community and seeing all of your smiling faces at pick up/drop off (and especially at the crosswalk) makes my day.  Can’t thank you all enough for being there to support LPE!  Please see below for some updates and reminders.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  --MM


  1. Our first SSC meeting of the year will be held this Monday 9/13 3-4pm via Zoom.  Our SSC  (School Site Council) decision-making group is comprised of parents, community members, the Principal, teachers and other staff. At the secondary level, students are included as well. The SSC has an ongoing responsibility to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the site plan. These meetings are open to the public but we are actually looking for 2 more parent reps to join us.  We meet monthly for about an hour and we chat about LPE programs, school data, and how we can improve our school.  Our meetings are quick yet informative. If you are interested in joining us as a parent rep, please let me know (email [email protected]).  The agenda and Zoom link for Monday’s meeting are below.
  2. 9/13 SSC Agenda HERE

     Loma Portal SSC website HERE

     9/13 Zoom link: Please email Mr. Morici directly ([email protected]) for the SSC Zoom link

  3. Many thanks to those of you who were able to make it to our teachers’ Fall Open House presentations!  We wish you could have all been here on campus to meet our teachers in person but I hope last night was an opportunity for you to get to know our teachers and prepare for the 2021-2022 school year! If you were unable to attend, please contact your child’s teacher for any information you may have missed.
  4. We are also looking for parent reps for our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).  The role of our school’s ELAC is to meet approx. 4-5 times per year to discuss the needs of our English Learning students and how we can support them.  If you are a parent of an EL student or feel strongly about supporting our English Learners, please let me know (email [email protected]).  Our LPE ELAC website can be found HERE.          
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