Here are some activities I found to help meet the ELA standards.
If you find any additional resources, PLEASE email me and I'll add them to this page. Thanks!!
Got any lessons, resources, websites that you want to share?? Add them to our 1st Grade ELA Dropbox! Let's help each other out!!
San Diego Unified School District (here's the District's CCSS website--lots of resources!)
Grade 1 Curriculum Map
"I Can Statements" for each standard from Dr. Bobb Darnell on his website called Achievement Strategies, Inc. Check them out!
Reading Literature
Reading Informational Texts
Reading: Foundational Skills
Speaking and Listening
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Thank you to 4th Grade Loma Portal teacher, Amy Kinseth, for creating this page of Teacher Common Core Materials. Please email her with questions or comments at [email protected].