
Thursday Announcements

Good morning families and welcome to the 2nd half of the school year! I have some important announcements for you….please see below. –MM

  1. As I hope you all know, safety is a priority here at LPE. As part of our safety plan, tomorrow (2/3) we will have our second :Lockdown Drill” of the school year. Our teachers will be speaking with students about this today and tomorrow. Our goal for these drills is not to frighten our students or increase anxiety so we make sure to keep things calm around campus. The drill normally takes only about 10 minutes or so, during which, our students and staff will practice staying in a classroom, locking the doors, and remaining quiet for several minutes. Some classrooms may also be practicing walking their classrooms to one of our campus exits to practice exiting campus (students will not actually leave campus though). Please speak to your children tonight to make sure they understand this is just a drill and that we are just trying to keep our school safe. : )
  2. Check out our STEAM Spotlight for the month of January HERE!
  3. LPE’s fabulous “Girls on the Run” program starts their Spring season on Feb 13th! If you are interested in signing your daughter up, take a look at GOTR flyer HERE.
  4. February is Black History Month! In addition to the lessons and activities your children will take part in this month and beyond, click HERE for more resources from SDUSD for things you can do at home.
  5. Our next Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation (PLCSF) meeting is on Monday 2/6 @ 4:30pm in the Correia Middle School library. Principals, teachers, parents, and community members from all over Point Loma attend these meetings. The focus of our 2/6 meeting will be on continuing our work around the social and emotional well being of our students.
  6. Click HERE(Eng)or HERE (Span)for a flyer about an English Learner Reclassification workshop for parents on 2/2 or 2/6 ("reclassification" is the process of an EL student becoming "English proficient"). At this workshop, parents of EL students will learn what Reclassification means and how it affects your child.

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